Monday, August 23, 2010

13 The Kandy Perahera

Helen writes,
Our guide took May, Roshan and I to the Temple of the Tooth this morning.
This is the famous Buddhist Temple in Kandy where the tooth relic of the Buddha is kept.

Lots of people were here today as we are in a holy week.
The Temple garden was full of elephants eating great chunks of palm wood. Roshan was in seventh heaven.

We all had tickets for the great Perahera festival tonight but in the end only May and I went because the wait and parade was too long for Roshan and Malcolm.
May and I went to town with Neil our guide in a tuk-tuk at 5pm.
We climbed onto a trestle bench and waited 3 hours for the parade to start.
We were fascinated by all the salesmen who came round with a great variety of things to play with, eat and blow.

May tried various sweets; pink candy floss wrapped in newspaper which she liked and said was really sweet and a doughnut shaped dahl ball which she didn’t. She is very intrepid when it comes to trying new things.

The parade was fabulous. It lasted till 10.30.

The photos give a taste of the spectacle we saw; 30 elephants, dancers, fire spinners and cracking whips.

The tuk-tuk ride home was great too.
These little 3 wheeler taxis are fab at weaving around the traffic and potholes.


  1. I wonder if the carnival was anything like ours in Sandown? It is tonight Wednesday but unlike you it is a wet day. Thankyou very much May for your newsy e-mail and Roshan for the lovely card. I am used to finding your blog now Malcolm and to send comment after a rough start.Did the cricket team you met win? Imagining Lankawi pool.Heaven. All love rene mum xxxx

  2. Will Roshan want to bring an elephant home do you think? Your travels continue to amaze - I do hope you are spending some of the time relaxing! Its great to see the pics as well! Look forward to the next installment
